The Best Features Of This Credit Card Include
Fixed APR
The fixed annual percentage rate of the Applied Bank Secured Credit Card is going to attract a lot of people who wish to get rid of poor credit. This interest rate stands at 9.99% which is fixed.
Increase Your Credit Limit Easily
You can easily increase your credit limit on your credit card by making additional deposits of up to $5,000 in total.
A Few Drawbacks Of The Applied Bank Secured Credit Card Include
There Is No Reward Program
You do not get any rewards or any 0% introductory offers on this credit card. This might prove to be a daily breaker for a few people who are looking to get rid of poor credit.
Absence Of A Grace Period
There is also no grace period with this financial instrument. Remember, if you choose this credit card you will be charged interest as soon as your building cycle closes.
Other fees associated with this credit card are rather high as compared to the alternatives available in the market.
- $48 Annual Fee
- $38 Late Payment Fee
- $38 Returned Payment Fee
- $30 Stop Payment Fee
- $12.95 Optional Payment Fee
- $30 For Card Replacement
- $50 Reinstatement Fee
- $3 Foreign Transaction Fee
But remember, all these credit cards and any other financial instruments that you choose are going to fail if you are not careful with your expenses. A few credit card tips after losing your job should prove to be useful for you. If you are one of those people with bad credit that think credit cards for poor credit are going to solve everything, you are making a mistake. The following list of habits should help you get out of financial troubles sooner than you thought possible:
Get In Touch With Your Credit Card Company
The very first step that you will have to do is getting in touch with your credit card company immediately. Tell them that you have been laid off or are looking for another job.
Cut Spending And Use Cash
You will have to cut down significantly on your spending, especially with your credit cards. Paying cash will keep you on your toes and also aware of where all your money is going.
Avoid Cash Advances
Do not pay cash advances on your credit card. They may be quick and easy but they are going to incur a high rate of interest and additional fees.
Look For Hardship Programs
You should be able to find several hardship programs that are being carried out by several banks and financial institutions. You can also get a part of your balance forgiven while you are looking for a new job.
Using A Prepaid Cards For Lyft?
Yes, you can use your prepaid card for this cab sharing service. Prepaid cards are readily accepted as a valid form of payment along with all kinds of credit cards and debit cards. You may also use your PayPal account, Apple Pay and even Google Pay for the purpose.
If you think that adding a prepaid card to your Lyft account is difficult, you are wrong! It is going to take just about a minute to do that and you can pay for your ride with any payment method you desire to use.
Whether it is your regular expenses or your efforts to rectify your credit, financial instruments always require you to have all your senses on alert mode. Credit cards can be for everyone but you have to exercise diligence and presence of mind to make the most of them.
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