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Showing posts from May, 2020

Is There A Way To Avoid Paying Interest On Your Credit Card At All?

A lot of us are using regular credit cards and a large number of us probably own a credit cards for excellent credit as well. We all want to avoid paying interest on credit cards in any case. Loans are not free and credit cards prove that. In fact, the credit that we use is kind of a loan that we take from the bank / credit card company. But there is still a difference between a typical loan and the credit that you get on your credit card.   Whenever you seek a traditional loan from a bank / financial institution, there is a certain amount of interest that you have to pay. Credit cards that still offer a type of loan to you can be interest free. This is the biggest difference between conventional loan and a credit card. The interest that you pay on your credit card is basically the fee that you have to pay to the lender for borrowing their money. Most Of The Time It Will Be A Percentage Of The Amount That You Have Borrowed For example, if you have borrowed $1000 fro...

A Simple And Quick Guide To Using Your Credit Card For Bad Credit Wisely

Keeping your balance low, monitoring your expenditures, looking out for rewards and what not! Whenever you are looking for a credit cards for bad credit , you always opt for a quick credit card comparison among charting out a plan to take care of the aspects that we just mentioned above. You already know that you should always carry minimal balance on your credit card if you want to build a strong credit. It is important that you pay off your credit card bills in full every month if you want to see your credit scores rise. The best part is that you will not even incur any cost on it. How Does Keeping Your Balance Low Help? Every month, your credit card company / bank will expect you to pay up all your credit card bills in full. They are going to report your behavior to three major credit bureaus. These bureaus are going to gather information about your credit card dues. This information will help them create credit reports for you. These re...